
On 16 May, Dutch and German naturists met for a hike in the buff through heathland in the Dutch National Park De Meinweg. There are also ponds like the Elfenmeer [en: Elves’ Pond].

De Meinweg 1 De Meinweg 2 De Meinweg 3

Temperature rose to 30°C. The 15 km hike touched one of the so-called Happiness Spots of “Tiny Treasures of Roerdalen”. However, the ponds are not available for bathing and sswimming. The place is called “Realm of the Elves”. The hikers were accompanied by the sound of spring in form of songs of numerous different bird species and the loud croaking of frogs in the ponds. And all of a sudden, a large number of wind power plant along a ridge far away somewhere in Belgium were seen, making this hike a real cross-border one.

De Meinweg is part of the German-Dutch Nature Park Maas-Schwalm-Nette.

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